Google Promises Android Fixed " Open Source "

Although soon have a Motorola, Google sure is not going to change the business model that has run the Android platform over the last two years. Google CEO Larry Page confirmed that the Android platform will be retained as open source. 

"This acquisition will not change our commitment to run Android as an open platform. Motorola will continue to be one pelisensi Android and Android remains open, "said Larry Page said in a statement on Google's site on Monday (8/15/2011). 

Larry Page also confirmed that Motorola will be run as separate businesses. Google still will continue partnerships with other hardware manufacturers. In fact, Google promised, the entry of Motorola as an integral part will improve the user experience even better in the future. 

"Motorola is also the market leader in devices in the home and business video solutions. With the transition to Internet protocol, we really can not wait to work with Motorola and the industry as a whole to support the partners and jointly promote the acceleration of innovation in this field, "said Larry Page.
He assured the partners that Android users acquisitions made by Google will offer a great advantage for the ecosystem. Because, not only increasing technological innovation, Motorola patents by Google's acquisition will also enhance the competitiveness of the Android platform competitors, like Apple with the IOS and Nokia and Microsoft with Windows Phone. 

'We expect this combination allows us to make new breakthroughs in the Android ecosystem. However, our vision for change and Google Android are not firmly committed to make Android as an open source platform and a powerful open source community. We will continue to work closely with all partners to develop and distribute innovative devices based on Android, "said Andy Rubin, Senior Vice President of Mobile at Google. 

One of the main motivations Google took over Motorola is strengthening its patent portfolio to compete with Microsoft and Apple. This is to strengthen the competitiveness of Android in the future.

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